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豪華テニスの王子様 全巻完結セット 新テニスの王子様 34巻セット+20 5ボボボーボ ボーボボ 全巻セット+真説ボボボーボ·ボーボボ ZZ0430どっちが強い!?角川まんが科学シリーズ児童書39冊どっちが強いです2口目クッキングパパ 1~169巻全巻セット医療従事者理学療法士作業療法士参考書教科書
Publisher : Taschen America Llc; Anniversary, Bilingual edition (October 1, 2009)
Publication date : October 1, 2009
Language : German, English
Hardcover : 704 pages
ISBN-10 : 3836514907
ISBN-13 : 978-3836514903
Dimensions : 10 x 3 x 12.5 inches
100 artists who epitomize the contemporary art scene: Key figures on the avant-garde horizon This special two-volume edition features 100 of the most exciting artists from TASCHEN&;s seminal Art at the Turn of the Millennium and the renowned Art Now! series - gathered in a comprehensive survey of contemporary art at the start of the 21st century. The selection includes a wide variety of works by pioneering artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Marlene Dumas, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Jeff Koons, Albert Oehlen, Richard Prince, Charles Ray, Cindy Sherman, and Christopher Wool - alongside a younger generation including Glenn Brown, Natalie Djurberg, Tom Friedman, Mark Grotjahn and Terence Koh.